Venus Legacy™

Body Sculpting – Venus Legacy™

Non-Invasive Treatments

Venus Legacy™ are non-invasive treatments that combines Radio Frequency (RF) and Magnetic Pulses into a technology called (MP)². This unique combination has the ability to access deeply, comfortably, and safely into the skin in order to achieve optimum results


The Venus Legacy™ is your best option for combating stubborn fat areas and cellulite. It combines VariPulse™ technology with our proven 3D™ MP2 energy, causing it to travel deeper into the skin resulting in increased blood circulation, immediate plumping, and glowing skin. Results can be seen in as little as one treatment – no pain, discomfort or downtime!

Using patented technology, Venus Legacy utilizes multi-polar radio frequency and Pulsed Magnetic fields which produce a soothing and therapeutic heat matrix over the skin. If we maintain a temperature of 42 degrees for 10-30 minutes we can produce skin tightening by creating a thermal wound in the subcutaneous tissue which recreates collagen and elastin. If the temperature is increased to 45 degrees we can create an adipose reduction in your fat cells = circumference reduction. Think of your fat cells as a grape. Now imagine all of the fluid in the grape. The fluid is called adipose fat or “bad fat” that we want to get rid of. Venus legacy works, by causing tiny wounds in the “grape/fat cell” and allowing the drainage of the adipose fat through the lymphatic system.

Treatment will be performed by a certified technician. Treatments take approximately 30 minutes on average but varies depending on the area being treated with a minimum of 6 treatments being recommended for the face, 6-8 treatments on the neck and 8 treatments on the body. Technician applies a lubricating, numbing gel and gently massages the area with the applicator. Through both mechanical and biochemical pathways, the treatment initiates a thermal healing response that tightens your skin’s appearance from the inside out.

Treatment Benefits for Face Neck & Body:

  • Tightens skin
  • Smooth’s deep lines & wrinkles
  • Diminishes redness
  • Lifts eye area, elevates the cheeks and brows
  • Lifts, sculpts & contours the neck and body
  • Controls acne breakouts and lesions
  • Reduces appearance of cellulite & stretch marks